Swiss Vans UK

Swiss Vans UK Trusted Business

31 Bocam Park, Old Field Rd Brighstone, England
Swiss Vans is the top provider of modified vans for leasing and sales in the UK. Our affordable and visually appealing vans are designed to catch the eye of customers.

Business Description

Swiss Vans is a leading provider of modified vans in the UK, offering affordable and visually appealing options to customers. Their innovative upgrades, including the popular WASP and Hornet packages, have made them one of the most reputable van modification companies in the country. What sets Swiss Vans apart is its commitment to customer satisfaction, providing personalized attention through a dedicated account manager for every customer. With over 20 years of combined experience in car and van sales, they have strong relationships with manufacturers and suppliers, allowing them to offer the best vans at competitive prices. Swiss Vans serves customers throughout the UK and is a reliable choice for businesses and individuals seeking to lease or purchase a van.

Our Service

Van leasing services

Van sales services

Customized van modification services

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Business Hours [ Owner Edit Hours ]

08:30 AM
05:30 PM
08:30 AM
05:30 PM
08:30 AM
05:30 PM
08:30 AM
05:35 PM
08:30 AM
05:00 PM
10:00 AM
01:00 PM

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Owner / Manager

Ian Hill
Ian Hill

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Pencoed United Kingdom
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iBusiness Directory UK is a trusted UK business directory on the internet. We were established in 2021 and have been growing in leaps and bounds, and it's because of the dedicated business owners like yourself.

Office Hours
  • Mon: 8am – 9pm
  • Tues: 8am – 9pm
  • Wed: 8am – 9pm
  • Thurs: 8am – 9pm
  • Fri: 8am – 9pm
  • Sat: 10am – 4pm
  • Sun: closed
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